Use the links below to register for an event. Use the Contact Us page if you have any questions or problems with any registration.
SCRR District Derby
Ranger Derby is an annual event normally held in February of each year. It is an event for moms and dads to work with their sons and daughters to build a derby car and race in their respective division. There are seven (7) divisions: Men and Women (18+), Boys and Girls (non-Rangers under 18), Ranger Kids, Discovery Rangers, Adventure Rangers, Expedition Rangers and the Outlaw class, a division for cars that do not meet the requirements for the standard race. To download a copy of the Derby Rules and Schedule click here or go to the Links and Forms page. On-line registration has ended. You will need to register onsite Saturday morning. Be blessed!
SCRR Training
Ranger Foundations and Ranger Essentials classes are being offered Saturday, March 8, New Life Community Church, 10809 Broad River Road, Irmo, SC. click HERE for more details and to register.
Basic Muzzleloading Rifle Course
Saturday, March 22, 2025, at the Mid Carolina Rifle Club, 3435 Fish Hatchery Road, Gaston, SC 29052
Registration is $45.00/person on or before March 1st. After March 1 registration is $55.00/person. The cutoff date for the class is March 14th. Registration fee is non-refundable after this date. You may register more than one person on the form.
Registration begins at 8:00 AM. Class starts 9:00 AM and will end at 4:00 PM (depending on how long the rifle range takes). Lunch will be provided. You do not have to be in FCF to take this course because it is a merit. The student must be at least 12 years of age. We need at least 10 participants, so sign up as many as possible for the class.
Every participant must complete the proper medical release form and black powder permission form. If you have questions, please contact John Buchanan by e-mail at or (864) 221-8796. Register HERE.